IRC/How To

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Connecting to BitFolk IRC


Libera's own documentation covers the basics, but here are the specific commands for irssi.

Add the network

Adding a network is useful for later setting things that will apply when connecting to any server on that network.

/network add libera

Add a server

If you're going to verify the network TLS certificate then you should connect only to, but otherwise if in Europe and not verifying then is OK.

/server add -ssl -auto -network libera 6697

irssi has been capable of TLS (-ssl) for years so it's best to use that. If not using TLS you'll need to use port 6667 instead.

You may need to do some extra work if you want to make your client verify the TLS certificate; most people don't bother.


The -auto above will cause irssi to automatically connect to this server whenever you start it. To connect right away without restarting:

/connect libera

If you don't like the automatic connection you can start irssi like irssi -! and it won't do that, or use --noauto< when you add the server. Then you'll need to do /connect libera each time.


Libera has a web chat if you can't install a dedicated IRC client.

Registering a nickname

This is covered just fine by Libera's own documentation and isn't client-specific.

Identifying yourself

There are advanced methods such as client TLS certificates or SASL authentication, but most people just use the password that they set for their registered nickname.

If you try to use your registered nicname then NickServ will prompt you to supply your password:

-NickServ( This nickname is registered. Please
 choose a different nickname, or identify via /msg NickServ IDENTIFY YourNick
/msg NickServ IDENTIFY MyPasswordHere


Supplying your nickname password at connect-time

If you don't mind your nick password being stored in the irssi config file you could update the server definition to supply your password at connect-time:

/server add 6697 YourNick:MyPasswordHere

This adds to the previous configuration so you don't need to specify evrything again.

Libera does also support authentication by client TLS certificate or SASL if you want something more secure.

Channel management

These ChanServ commands are specific to Libera Chat's services.

Communication with ChanServ is done with /msg ChanServ. It's common to add an alias to your IRC client such as /cs to make this easier.

Your status in the channel

/msg chanserv status #BitFolk
-ChanServ( You have access flags +ARVeiortv on #BitFolk.

If you have flag o you can ask ChanServ to make you a channel operator with the OP command.

If you have flag i you can ask ChanServ to invite you into the channel with the INVITE command. This bypasses bans and invite-only mode to get you back in the channel.

Meaning of other channel flags

A full list of channel flags and what they mean can be obtained by:

/msg chanserv help flags
-ChanServ( Permissions:
-ChanServ(     +v - Enables use of the voice/devoice commands.
-ChanServ(     +V - Enables automatic voice.
-ChanServ(     +o - Enables use of the op/deop commands.
-ChanServ(     +O - Enables automatic op.
-ChanServ(     +s - Enables use of the set command.
-ChanServ(     +i - Enables use of the invite and getkey commands.
-ChanServ(     +r - Enables use of the unban command.
-ChanServ(     +R - Enables use of the recover, sync and clear commands.
-ChanServ(     +f - Enables modification of channel access lists.
-ChanServ(     +t - Enables use of the topic and topicappend commands.
-ChanServ(     +A - Enables viewing of channel access lists.
-ChanServ(     +S - Marks the user as a successor.
-ChanServ(     +F - Grants full founder access.
-ChanServ(     +b - Enables automatic kickban.
-ChanServ(     +e - Exempts from +b and enables unbanning self.

Becoming a channel operator ("opping yourself")

Since we're now on tree-hugging Libera, let's give their philosophy of not having tons of idlers with chanop status a try. That means you won't generally be "opped up" at any given moment. If you need chanop status to take care of something that a ChanServ command can't, then get ChanServ to op you:

/msg ChanServ OP #BitFolk
/msg ChanServ DEOP #BitFolk

Please don't automate this to keep yourself "opped up"!



Show currently ignored things


Ignore all joins, parts and quits


Ignore all joins, parts and quits from only a matching hostmask

/ignore -channels #BitFolk nick!ident@host JOINS PARTS QUITS