STOP !!!!!!!!
This is NOT READY ! I guarantee it won't work yet. (Mainly the routing, also table=off needs research, I can't remember exactly what it does).
Is is untried / untested. It's a first draft fished out partly from my running system and partly my notes.
HOWEVER... If you are a hardy network type and you want a go ... Have at it.
You read the bit about STOP above, didn't you.. WireGuard is part of the Linux kernel and is minimal and lightweight, gaining what can be interpreted as approval by Linus Torvalds himself. WireGuard is almost symmetrical in operation so there aren't really servers and clients, just peers. It operates over the UDP protocol and while there is an initial handshake when "connecting", nothing is transmitted between the peers unless necessary. (There is a keep-alive option to defeat NAT gateway timeouts). WireGuard is fast: It can saturate my home broadband connection where OpenVPN could not.
This WireGuard guide section was created using Debian 12 and 'wg-quick' at both ends of the VPN. As they say, YMMV - use what you can, adapt where necessary. Let's stick to the example requirements set above for this guide. (WireGuard can be used in other configurations, for example, to route everything through the VPN except the VPN traffic itself).
Server Setup
# apt install wireguard
# cd /etc/wireguard
# wg genkey > server-private-key
# wg pubkey < server-private-key > server-public-key
# wg genpsk > shared-secret-key # Optional for improved security
Edit /etc/wireguard/wg0.conf
PrivateKey = # Insert the contents of the file server-private-key generated above
ListenPort = # Pick an empty UDP port to listen on. Remember to open it in your firewall
Address =
Address = 2a0a:1100:1018:1::fe/64
Table = off
Client Setup
# apt install wireguard
# cd /etc/wireguard
# wg genkey > client-private-key
# wg pubkey < client-private-key > client-public-key
Edit /etc/wireguard/wg0.conf
PrivateKey = # Insert the contents of the file client-private-key generated above
Address =
Address = 2a0a:1100:1018:1::1/64
Table = off
Now we have a wg0 interface defined on both ends with statically assigned IPv4 and IPv6 addresses.
Add the Client Information to the Server
Append the following to the server /etc/wireguard/wg0.conf, inserting your generated information where appropriate:
# Client Name
PublicKey = # Insert contents of client-public-key generated in Client Setup
# PresharedKey = # Uncomment and insert contents of shared-secret-key generated in Server Setup - if you did
AllowedIPs = # Source IPv4 addresses from the client side allowed to transmit to the server
AllowedIPs = 2a0a:1100:1018:1::/64 # Source IPv6 addresses from the client side allowed to transmit to the server
Add the Server Information to the Client
Append the following to the server /etc/wireguard/wg0.conf, inserting your generated information where appropriate:
# Your VPS Name
PublicKey = # Insert contents of server-public-key generated in Server Setup
# PresharedKey = # Uncomment and insert contents of shared-secret-key generated in Server Setup - if you did
Endpoint = # Replace PORT-NUMBER with the UDP port number you chose in Server Setup ListenPort
# PersistentKeepalive = 170 # Uncomment and choose a timeout in seconds for keepalive packets - Necessary if the client is behind NAT
AllowedIPs =, ::/0 # Allow any IP from the server side to transmit to the client
Start The VPN
Run on both sides:
# systemctl daemon-reload # Have systemd find the new wg0.conf files
# systemctl start wg-quick@wg0
# systemctl enable wg-quick@wg0 # Optional - start VPN at startup
Useful Information / Commands
Status of all WireGuard interfaces:
# wg
wg-quick is a higher level system to manage wg, wg being the low level kernel-based part. The wg0.conf files made above are a hybrid format with some options targeted at wg-quick and some at wg. When wg-quick talks to wg it strips any wg-quick only options from the config before submitting it.
There are useful wg-quick options that can be added to wg0.conf, particularly this one:
PostUp = /etc/wireguard/
... into which you can write any complex routing setup you like.
Android Client
To add an Android client using a QR code to scan for configuring it, create a fully configured android-client.conf file for your new Android client just as a client wg0.conf was created above. Install qrencode and then:
# qrencode -t png -o qr-code.png -r android-client.conf