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Hi I'm Tim Dickson, senior partner at Tree of Life Enterprises. We build PC's, and supply laptops, do pc/laptop maintenance, networking, consulting, training, write software, websites and suchlike. We also sell pc-based servers, mainly running Slackware™ Linux.

I look after a number of slackbuilds at

You can see a list of them on

I like investing time in stuff that doesn't arbitrarily change every year, and Slackware fits that model of stability for me. It also has a wonderfully simple packaging system which doesn't concern itself with dependencies, and so far, (over 20yrs) I've never had it break on me, unlike redhat and debian, which have both broken spectacularly due to dependency clashes. I do use a flavour of debian (raspberry pi os) on pi and pi-zero's, where it behaves just fine, and have a little collection of homemade gadgets, from fire detection and portable thermal camera, to a lego pi-zero based robot.

Slackware doesn't hold your hand, (although there are full man/info/doc pages installed) but the knowledge you gain in running your system is transferable to other distros, and gives you a level of control which is rewarding.