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Some resources to keep up with the BitFolk community


For reasons of privacy, accuracy and safety BitFolk's only official source of support is by actually contacting Support. However, as long as you are aware that you may be addressing a public audience then asking for help in mailing lists or customer group chat may provide more perspectives. BitFolk staff will answer you on these platforms to the degree possible, but may ultimately ask for a support ticket.

Mailing lists


It is strongly advised that all customers be subscribed to BitFolk's announce mailing list. Notifications about scheduled maintenance and ongoing issues will be posted here. It is a very low traffic one-way mailing list.


Usage stats as of 2025-02-22 22:39:03 GMT
Messages in the last…
6 hours 24 hours 30 days
0 9 41

Discussions between customers, and less important announcements, can take place on BitFolk's users mailing list. Every customer is invited to this list at sign-up time, but it is optional. If you're subscribed to this list then you will also receive copies of announcements, so you don't need to be on both lists.

Group Chat

Social chatter amongst BitFolk customers, staff and fans takes place on multiple platforms. Any vital information from the announce mailing list is guaranteed to be linked on these platforms also.


Usage stats as of 2025-02-22 22:38:02 GMT
Messages in the last…
6 hours 24 hours 30 days
0 3 17

BitFolk has had an IRC channel since late 2006; it still exists though it is these days very quiet. It can be found at #BitFolk on Libera.


Usage stats as of 2025-02-22 22:32:06 GMT
Messages in the last…
6 hours 24 hours 30 days
0 16 376

BitFolk recently gained a Telegram group.


Coming soon.


If a trusted customer wants to take charge of managing a BitFolk Discord then please contact Support, otherwise this is unlikely to happen.

Other social networks

BitFolk is also on the Fediverse (Mastodon).